This creative couple not only developed the World Classic Sale into a signature event on Friday night of World Dairy Expo, Tom and Sandy Morris grew it into one of the world’s highest averagin
Telling the story of dairy is the goal of June dairy month, and this year, the Hoard’s Dairyman Farm got to do just that when the Wisconsin Public Television show Around the Farm Table visited
Designed in art deco style, this 18 x 24" poster captures one of the most iconic views of World Dairy Expo. Buy the collection for $20 or pick your favorite for $5 each
Breeds in Bloom, the 2004 showring theme that featured a white farmhouse, white picket fence, and white cows grazing on a green pasture of colored shavings, topped the list of 28 showring themes that have...
From rag tents to the modern-day Exhibition Hall, Gilbert nurtured the trade show. Among Gilbert’s innovations that continue to this very day are the Exhibitor Policy and Guidelines, the Commercial...
Influential sires are still recognized with the presentation of the Premier Sire award at the completion of each breed show. The sires that have won the most Premier Sire banners at World Dairy Expo for...
Born from the desire and dreams to have a world-class dairy show, World Dairy Expo has developed into the world’s most-respected and most-renowned dairy event. That is largely due to innovative steps...
While the show has evolved over the past five decades, many of the names and faces have remained the same. Here’s a look into the memories of some longtime and well-known attendees
As the mom of kids who show dairy cattle, I love helping my kids develop into young showmen. So many important life lessons can be learned in the show ring. But as the mom who does her family’s...
Exports, ingredients, innovation, and operational excellence are opportunities for the U.S. dairy sector. Achieving these mileposts will come with challenges
Have a plan for what you want to see and do. Winter – the season when not a lot happens in the fields. And for this reason, trade shows are scheduled to entice busy farmers to attend. With World...
For the second year in a row, the Holstein, followed by the Jersey were named Supreme Champion of the junior shows at World Dairy Expo. And, it was also a repeat for their owners, Trevor Tuman and Chandler...